Meaningful Content and Connection

Highlighting Jewish education

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Webinars, Workshops and Lectures

Herzog-United Academy aims to introduce meaningful and relevant teaching and learning practices to the Jewish education curriculum. Our mission is to provide opportunities and inspiration for Jewish educators to promote active and relevant Jewish identity building in the classroom; to facilitate social and emotional growth and to foster a sense of belonging to Jewish and global communities.Our educational foundation is based on active learning: sustaining engagement and motivation, collaborative, social and emotional learning, meaningful interdisciplinary content, formative assessment and innovative learning platforms. Through peer discussion and reflection, Herzog-United Academy provides teachers with ready-to-use practical tools and content for the classroom. As part of the Herzog-United Academy, we offer a variety of learning paths, to connect needs with solutions from the field. We experiment with techniques and tools that you can use in the classroom (as early as tomorrow morning...). Our training courses are designed to meet Jewish educators' cultural and linguistic needs, as well as provide opportunities to learn from experience, peer learning, and reflection.

Engaged motivated learning
How do I sustain active engagement in the classroom? | How do I sustain active engagement in the classroom? | How do I sustain active engagement in the classroom? | How do I sustain active engagement in the classroom? | How do I sustain active engagement in the classroom? | How do I sustain active engagement in the classroom? | How do I sustain active engagement in the classroom? |
Collaborative learning
How do I encourage meaningful contributionand collaborative learning? | How do I encourage meaningful contributionand collaborative learning? | How do I encourage meaningful contributionand collaborative learning? | How do I encourage meaningful contributionand collaborative learning? | How do I encourage meaningful contributionand collaborative learning? | How do I encourage meaningful contributionand collaborative learning? | How do I encourage meaningful contributionand collaborative learning? | How do I encourage meaningful contributionand collaborative learning? | How do I encourage meaningful contributionand collaborative learning? | How do I encourage meaningful contributionand collaborative learning? |
Social emotional learning
How do I engage students in value based classroom conversations?How do I connect to students' social and emotional worlds through jewish education? | How do I engage students in value based classroom conversations?How do I connect to students' social and emotional worlds through jewish education? | How do I engage students in value based classroom conversations?How do I connect to students' social and emotional worlds through jewish education? | How do I engage students in value based classroom conversations?How do I connect to students' social and emotional worlds through jewish education? |
Content and formative assesment
How do I choose relevant content for my classroom?How do I evaluate learning processes? | How do I choose relevant content for my classroom?How do I evaluate learning processes? | How do I choose relevant content for my classroom?How do I evaluate learning processes? | How do I choose relevant content for my classroom?How do I evaluate learning processes? | How do I choose relevant content for my classroom?How do I evaluate learning processes? |
Innovative and technological pedagogy
How to bring digital learning tools to my jewish education curriculum? | How to bring digital learning tools to my jewish education curriculum? | How to bring digital learning tools to my jewish education curriculum? | How to bring digital learning tools to my jewish education curriculum? | How to bring digital learning tools to my jewish education curriculum? | How to bring digital learning tools to my jewish education curriculum? |
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