Mobile phone
Number of years you have been in this position
How is your Hebrew (oral comprehension)?
Note: This is not a requirement for the program.
Have you participated in PD programs specifically gearedfor Heads of School? If yes, describe a PD program for HOS that you have donein the past.
In a paragraph or two, please answer the following questions:
1. This program is designed as professional development for leading Heads of Jewish day schools. In your opinion, what needs to be the primary tasks of a HoS?
2. What makes you a suitable candidate for this program?
3. What are you hoping to get out of this program? What specific areas would best meet your needs?
4. Describe the most meaningful learning experience that you have had in your career. What made it so meaningful?
Each participant in the Herzog Fellows program will required to produce a project they plan to implement in their school. This project should be a reflection of the HoS leadership to deepen the impact of his/her vision for the school.
Please share your preliminary idea for a project to work towards for your school. What would it look like when fully implemented?
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